

Under 6

All children have the right to be protected from all forms of abuse: emotional, physical, sexual or neglect. If you are concerned for an under 6 child, please speak to a professional, such as your health visitor as soon as possible or ring the NSPCC anonymously on 0808 800 5000. Alternatively you can ring social services to discuss your concerns on one of the following telephone numbers depending upon where you live: Birmingham 0121 303-1888, Solihull 0121 788-4333 or Staffordshire on 0800 13 13 126.  Social services will support families and children in need of help.

As a parent of a young child you yourself may feel stressed, tearful, overwhelmed or low in mood and it can be helpful to talk these feelings through with your health visitor or your GP who will be able to offer support and help you feel better.