
Some children they are only able to take small amounts of food. Some children are not able to eat or drink at all. Others need top-ups or extra calories to help them grow big and strong.

Some of these children will need to meet a specialist team who will provide assistance, advice and support.

Children can need a feeding tube. There are several different types of feeding tube. Some go from the nose down to the tummy (an NgT), and some go directly into the tummy through a little tube by the belly button.

The team includes a dietician who will ensure that your weight is going up as you grow and that you get all the correct vitamins to help you grow. You may meet a SALT (speech and language therapist), who will check that your swallow is safe and help you to swallow if you are having difficulties.

You will also meet the Specialist Nutrition Nurse who will talk to you in detail about the feeding tube and how it is fitted. She will also meet your parents, to teach them how to care for the tube and look after all of the equipment. She can supply you with reading books and can visit your school if it helps.

You will meet the team in special clinics, and also on the wards. If at any time you need to speak to the Nutrition nurse you will have her telephone number so that you can call for any advice you might need.